Friday, September 28, 2012

Why do they have to lock my favorite T.V. shows?

I have a complaint ! I love T.V. shows, and my biggest problem is when you go to a network web page (CBS,FOX,ABC,NBC,ect) to watch a episode you may have missed,because of work or a football game or whatever,and you see that the episode you want to watch is locked! Now you have to wait 8 days until you can watch THAT episode! now I am maybe one of the few, that is not Financially able to afford a fancy big flat screen t.v. and cable and even a DVR to record my favorite shows. I want to just log on to the network web page and just click and watch.These Networks are already getting HUGH amounts of advertising dollars just to make these shows, and then more money is made on DVD SEASON box sales and selling each episode on iTunes ,ect. why can't they just leave it alone.I would think it would help the fans of the T.V. shows, and help the ratings of the networks (do they even include those numbers from web hits?) I remember when the first season of Two Broke Girls came out! and i just loved being able to watch the episodes on the Network web page! until about halfway through the season, and WAM!they went and did something even worse! they took ALL of the episodes off and no longer air them on the web page?This makes no since to me??? I and many thousands of others or maybe it was hundreds.wrote on the network comments page complaining.But some big honcho decided it was the best way to go. I disagree.As fan like myself I am going to rewatch or watch the are making this option available to those who maybe are a student or their only means of watching is via going onto the network web page and catching up on the shows they love,some people at work even click on and watch.. Other T.V. shows have had great success in "being there" for the fans! Shows that come into my mind are (Terra Nova,Terriers,Survivor,Big Brother,Two and a Half Men,How I Met Your Mother), so why do the others think they are all so special by doing a 8 day lock on the episodes. I bet that the Providers and Networks have made some sort of money deal as to do this. My options are to get a DVR, chill out and deal with it, and wait for 8 days until it is unlocked.or find a friend who recorded it. until i figure it out, i guess this is what i am going to have to deal with! (see below)

 1 day

Episodes are available 1 day after airdate to subscribers of participating TV providers.

8 days

Episodes unlock 8 days after airdate

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

The Hobbit:an Unexpected Journey- trailers!

trailers leave clues,and these two trailers for probably the most anticipated movie of the year The Hobbit:An Unexpected Journey gives fans just that.We see the Dwarf party,Hobbiton, Rivendell and Gollum's cave,and Gollum. I really liked Bilbo in action with his glowing sword sting!

As a fan of the books and the other movies,I have been waiting many years to see this first part of a three part trilogy!

The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey hits theaters December 14th

Friday, September 14, 2012

September Movies- coming to a theater near you.

September 4 The Chicago 8     
September 5 Detropia documentary   
September 5 For Ellen    
September 5 Girl Model documentary 
September 7 The Cold Light of Day   
September 7 Bachelorette    
September 7 Branded
September 7 The Eye of the Storm    
September 7 Hello I Must Be Going    
September 7 The Inbetweeners           
September 7 Toys in the Attic    
September 7 Raaz 3: The Third Dimension (Limited) FIP    
September 7 [REC] 3: Genesis   
September 7 The Words
September 7 Raiders of the Lost Ark (imax)
September 9 Bait 3D   

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Cost of Capital – The Web Series

How far would you go for the biggest deal of your career?

This MUST SEE highly anticipated 6 part Web Series staring Kevin Ashworth,Adrian Bustamante and Jordan Butcher is a rare behind-the-scenes look into the shadowy world of billionaire investors – where egos and intrigue collide and a single deal worth hundreds of millions of dollars must get done at any cost. Think “Wall Street meets The Social Network.” I really am looking forward to watching this one!

Official Online Premiere for Cost of Capital is Monday, Sept. 17th, 2012! Catch it at

Written by Brian DeChesare
Directed by Jorge Luis Urbina  @brownambassador
Produced by Goldie Chen @GoldieChan and Allison Vanore @allicine
Original Music by Rob Gokee @robgokee

follow on twitter @CostofCapitalTV