Monday, December 30, 2013

My 2013 top 10 movie list

At the end of every year,It seems like everyone makes a top 10 list of movies that they enjoyed.It is funny to see all of the different lists and who likes what or "you liked that ?".No one list is the same, and even the Top movie critics have some variations from other critics. What you like, and what I like can and will be somewhat different.Just like our interests in t.v. shows,music, food ect.That is just the way we are made up. How boring would it be if we all liked the same things.Some people like one Genre and only limit themselves to Horror or SCI-FI,Westerns ect. and some like The Hollywood Blockbusters,others like myself enjoy Independent movies. I try to watch all types of movies and not to limit myself from experiencing different stories or points of view.

I counted around 85+ movies that i watched in the year 2013.I try to watch a movie a day.On some days, i do not get to watch any movies.But on a good weekend it may be 2 to 3!

Here is my list,but it could and will change because I still have not watched around 12 movies that I really wanted to watch.and they could easily take some of the top 10 spots.So here it is.Drum roll please....


1. Sound City
2. The Place Beyond the Pines
3. Mud
4. Fast and Furious 6
5.A Single Shot
6. Charlie Countrymen
7. As I Lay Dying
8.The Butler
9. The Hunt
10. Catching Fire

honorable mentions go to:

What Maisie Knew
The Purge

Movies I really can't wait to see:

The Wolf of Wall Street
American Hustle
Lone Survivor
Walter Mitty
Inside Llewyn Davis
Dallas Buyers Club
Short Term 12
Enough Said
All Is Lost
12 Years a Slave

so that's just my opinion and what i like right now for this year.I am excited to see what will come out In 2014 and catch all of the great movies i have missed.

PS:if you have any of these or others and any new 2014 movies and you want to send them to me. I am always willing to watch and always will give a review on this blog and tweet about it!Just let me know how I can help.

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